Granny’s smith and broccoli detox

Granny’s smith and broccoli detox

Energy contain: 50 kcal

Dietary Information

  1. Loaded with vitamin C.
  2. Excellent detox.
  3. Good for pregnancy.
  4. Helps improving hemoglobin level.
  5. Good for skin and hairs.
  6. Good for liver related issues.
  7. Helps in weight loss.
  8. Helps reducing pimples.
  9. Eases constipation.
  10. Relives acidity and bloating.
  11. Good for diabetic people.
  12. Lowers cholesterol.
  13. Helps in reducing PMS symptoms.
  14. Improves eye sight.


  1. 1/8 med size green apple (granny smith)
  2. 2-3 florets of broccoli (thoroughly washed)
  3. 1/4 amla (Indian goose berry)
  4. 1/8 tsp black salt
  5. 2-3 black pepper
  6. 1/2 inch ginger/ raw fresh turmeric


Mix all the ingredients, blend all the ingredients, add water to adjust consistency sieve and drink or make juice in cold press juicer. Serve chilled.

Best time to have with protein rich breakfast.