Nutritional requirements for woman in 30es.

Nutritional requirements for woman in 30es.

30s is the beautiful phase of life but more challenging. We can’t be naughty and careless as teenagers and we can’t take all the responsibilities in our shoulders (although we want it). After completing our studies and stepping into our professional life, 30 is the age where we look for a settle life and career. It’s the time to live our own life on our own terms. Most of women want to marry when they are professionally settled till they settle in professional lives they turn 30. Marriage in late 20es and 30 become more challenging.

Marriage comes with several responsibilities, adjusting and managing family life (which we didn’t care when we were at parents’ place). Pregnancy and lactation, professional, lives and our dreams to travel, have fun, vacation with our partner are the some other issues which we look forward. Maintaining equilibrium in our lives, we forget to take care of ourselves. Extra work needed extra energy. Ignoring our health will not show immediate effects, but we face the consequences in later lives. The way we manage our finances for present and future, why we do not manage our health of present and future.

Here listed points will enhance your health:

Cut down empty calories: Sugar and sugar derivatives have no nutrients, but calories, that’s by professional address these calories as ‘empty calories’. We directly and indirectly have sugar in fruit juices, soft drinks, cakes, pastries, tea and in coffee. Which counts on calorie consumption without nutrient intake. Cut down sugar consumption and have food those are rich in nutrients.

Have well balance diet: Well balance diet means diet which satisfy the requirement of all the nutrients by an individual. Take a health check, find out the points where you have to give extra attention, make your diet plan accordingly and set routine. You can also take an expert help for making a diet plan for you. Include all food groups in diet to make it balance.

The body needs adequate protein: In the 30es your body doesn’t need extra protein. 1 gram per kg Ideal body weight is sufficient but sadly only few people take adequate protein. Pregnancy and lactation increase the demand of extra protein. Some conditions like diabetes and PCOS needs to adjust/increase the protein percentage of total calorie consumption.

Improve circulation: regular exercise, massages, spa and meditation improve circulation and helps detoxification.

Adequate fluid intake: Adequate fluid intake is necessary for good health. Fluid intake not only improves circulation and detoxify it also contribute to digestion, skin health, bone health and improve concentration.

Maintain blood serum level of nutrients: Stress leads decrease blood serum levels of calcium, iron, folic acid, vitamin B and vitamin D, so tract serum levels of nutrients. Well balanced diet helps to maintain normal level of nutrients. If markedly low then switch to an expert advice.

Maintain oral health: Our food habits have changed and we are more reliable on ready to eat meals which alter the pH level of the mouth. Ignoring oral health means ignoring overall health.

Metabolic disturbance: High blood glucose level, low or high blood pressure, PCOS, thyroid, heavy bleeding and amenorrhea are some common issues we usually ignore, which causes serious problems in later life.

Adequate rest: Challenges and requirement of rest are directly linked. The more challenging work you do, the more rest you need physically and mentally. Fetch time from your busy schedule for the rest.

End Note: Good nutrition is the foundation of good health. It not only improves our lives and work efficiency but also prevent or delay the onset of genetic disorder. Good Nutrition makes us strong and alert. Healthy individuals are not a family’s asset, they are assets for whole nation.