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Sorghum Upma / Jwar Upma

Sorghum Upma / Jwar Upma

Ingredients Sorghum/ jwar flour – 100 grams Green chilly – 3-4 pc ( depending on how spicy you like) Coriander leaves – 1 fist Cumin seeds -1/4 tsp Asafetida/ Hing – 1/6 tsp Salt to taste Oil for tempering. Ghee – 1 tsp Method Roast Read More

Winter Foods

Winter Foods

Winter foods We notice availability of different foods, including fruits and vegetables change round the year. Unknowingly, we change our food pattern with season change. India is a country where maximum season change occurs so variety of food, spices, fruits, vegetables and meat are available. Read More

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome / PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome / PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome/ PCOS is the one of the most common endocrine disorder which affects 10% women and girls of reproductive age, characterised by hyperandrogenism and insulin resistance. Androgen is a male sex hormone, normally female ovaries make a small amount of androgen. In PCOS Read More

Rice- Facts and Myths

Rice- Facts and Myths

I am a professional dietician and I wonder when someone says rice is not good for health. People with diabetes and weight related issues often remove rice from their diet. People have spread so many false statements about bad effects of rice that it becomes Read More

Processed foods – Slow Poison

Processed foods – Slow Poison

In our busy life, we all are dependent on ready to eat food or processed food. Processed foods come with longer shelf life which makes it convenient for repeated consumption. Processing also makes food easy to cook, consume and enhances the taste. Overall processed foods Read More

Misconception about the King of Fruits

Misconception about the King of Fruits

Mango – Mango is known as ‘King of the Fruits’. It is the yummiest fruit, over 400 varieties of mango are available worldwide. India has over 283 varieties of mango. Alphonso is the sweetest among mangoes, medium size yellow mango, very sweet with fibreless pulp, mainly founded in Devgad and Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra, India.

Eat a Rainbow

Eat a Rainbow

Health care professionals always emphasis to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain less energy as they contain less fat and almost no protein. They are rich in vitamin, minerals and fiber which aid in health benefits. Each fruit and vegetable contain a specific color, these color has specific disease fighting chemical known as phytochemicals.

Diet during Lactation

Diet during Lactation

Now a days breastfeeding has become a choice and a hotter topic for debate so does the nutrition during lactation. Every culture has list of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ foods for breastfeeding mother. It happens very often one food believed to be good in one culture is considered bad in other. Eating well balanced and varied diet close to their natural form is considered the best diet for everyone and also for the nursing mother.