Spinach Cucumber Smoothie (Detox Drink)

Spinach Cucumber Smoothie (Detox Drink)

Energy contain: 50 kcal


  1. Rich in antioxidants.
  2. Anti diabetic properties.
  3. Anti inflammatory.
  4. Has cooling effect.
  5. Good liver detox.
  6. Control your blood pressure.
  7. Purify blood.
  8. Good for gut health.
  9. Has anti cancerous properties.
  10. Good for hair and skin.


  1. Spinach – 15-20 leaves
  2. 1 cucumber
  3. 3-4 pc pineapple
  4. 1/2 goose berry (Amla)
  5. 2-3 inch ginger
  6. Black salt.


Blend all the ingredients to make smooth paste. Garnish with chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and soaked almond.